Monday, August 25, 2008



Tonight I got lost in Blog land. It wasn't my first time if I am to be truthful. It is the first time I've gotten lost in all the weight loss blogs. I love you all!!!!! WOW. When I started this blog and got my first couple comments I visited those blogs and added them onto a blog list. I didn't know if I should ask or what and I hope they don't mind that I did. Now I've been to about a zillion weight loss blogs and honestly I'm tired!! I can't possible list them all but let me just give a blanket shout out here and now. You guys rock. I love reading about you , which is really reading about me. I plan on showing up every night to read and get support.

I have not weighed myself yet. One blogger is having a Christmas challenge and I can't join because I don't want to weigh myself. Here's the truth. I think I'm over 200 lbs and seeing that is just going to make me bawl. I worked so dam hard to have my weight start with a one that I'm afraid I will be so discouraged to see a weight amount that begins with a 2.

So..I'm begging for some help or suggestions here. I know I have to get my weight down so I can start keeping track .. I just don't know where to begin. That sounds crazy even writing it. If you can relate or have an idea...HEEELLLPPP.


Diana said...

You know what to's just hard. Excercise and eat better are the only things I've found that actuallly work like a miracle cure :) There are several challenges you can do. Couch to 5K (C25K) is a good one for aerobic exercise. 100 pushup challange is good for arm exercies. Lots of us are involved in those and they both really help with easing your way in and improving over time. Don't judge by weight loss then...judge by inches lost or clothing sizes (I do both weight and is more fun anyway :)

I'm with you in the 200's scary but until you look these things straight in the eye (either weight or inches measures or really looking at clothes) you may not get the kick you need. Just what worked for me (plus my binge eating book...but that's a different story!).

You can do this. Take a deep breath (or 3) and take one step (litterally!) at a time.

Wryly said...

I agree with Diana - judge by the numbers on your tape measure or clothing sizes until you are comfortable enough to step on a scale.
Would you feel better if you took part in the Christmas Challenge but used diffent sized clothes instead of pounds? Maybe buy a pair of jeans (same brand) one size smaller than you are wearing now and once you fit into those try going down another size?

Me - I bit the bullet and stepped on a scale. If I don't like the number I just tell myself: "The scale is wrong! Next time it better be fixed!" ;-)